There is a very wide variety of tricycles for adults on the tricycle market. Tricycles are available with different quality, usability and ride comfort. There are also tricycles for different groups of people such as Seniorendreiräder, tricycles for the disabled and tricycles for children. Finding the right tricycle for adults is therefore not always easy.
Any quality tricycle for adults can also be converted to an electric tricycle. The motor supports the tricycle via the pedelec system up to 25 km / h. A traction help can be the engine of the tricycle support up to 6 km / h purely electric. This can also be easily overcome slopes and hills. A form of the adult tricycle is for example a chair tricycle with two wheels at the back, which allows you to travel longer distances easily and comfortably. Special tricycles with two wheels in front are also available on the market.
A tricycle for adults basically has many adjustment options. These can be adjusted individually to each driver, such as saddle, seat, handlebars and pedals. For the adult tricycles there is also a large selection of accessories, as well as the possibility of special solutions.
Therefore, it is always advisable to carry out a test drive on a tricycle for adults, a chair tricycle or a recumbent tricycle.
Test Drive:
All over Germany, our tricycles are common and can be tested on request. Various cities on request.
Berlin Hamburg Munich Cologne Frankfurt (Main) Stuttgart Dusseldorf Dortmund Essen Bremen Dresden Leipzig Hanover Nuremberg Duisburg BochumWuppertal Bonn Bielefeld Mannheim Karlsruhe Munster Wiesbaden Augsburg Aachen Mönchengladbach Gelsenkirchen Braunschweig Chemnitz Kiel Krefeld Halle (Saale) Magdeburg Freiburg Breisgau Oberhausen, Lübeck Erfurt Rostock, Mainz Kassel Hagen Hamm Paderborn Darmstadt Regensburg Würzburg Ingolstadt Heilbronn Ulm Wolfsburg Göttingen Offenbach am Main Pforzheim Recklinghausen Bottrop Fürth Bremerhaven Reutlingen Remscheid Koblenz Bergisch Gladbach Erlangen Moers Trier Jena Siegen Hildesheim Salzgitter Cottbus